100 % NATURAL, 100 % CANADIAN 

Researchers have detected close to 7,000 different bacteria in dust in American homes.

Smart and ecological dusting is important to our health and immunity. Researchers have detected close to 7,000 different bacteria and 2,000 species of fungi in dust in American homes.

Of course, some germs are more harmful to human health than others. Cleaning makes it possible to remove several infectious agents and stop them from spreading, but it doesn't necessarily destroy them!

There are several ways to eliminate dust. :

Dust-repellent sprays

These sprays leave a barrier on surfaces which prevents dust buildup.

However, they contain synthetic perfumes, which aren't much better for your health, and they come in aerosol cans, so they're not very good for the planet.

Vacuum cleaner with brush attachment

It vacuums away loose dust but doesn't do anything for trapped dust..

So-called absorbent or magnetic dusters or cloths.

These cleaning tools are useful for small amounts of dust, but they quickly become dirty and ineffective. When you continue to use them, they just move dust around.

Absorbent microfibre cloths

These cloths are environmentally friendly and safe for your lungs because no cleaning products are used; microfibre cloths remove germs as opposed to sending them into the hair. They exert a mechanical, abrasive and absorbent action, and are the healthiest solution by far. 

Mechanical cleaning (friction) makes it possible to eliminate dirt, water, grease, dust and organic matter (biofilm), which cause germs to proliferate. Biofilm is a membrane that acts like an ecosystem where germs can develop, thrive and spread.

A healthy and ecological solution

Contrairement aux aérosols et aux plumeaux, je préconise les linges microfibres à action mécanique pour déloger la saleté et briser le biofilm. Il faut frotter en nettoyant pour briser cette membrane qui protège les bactéries qui vivent et prolifèrent en dessous de cette membrane. 

The only downside is that these cloths require special care : 

Only clean them with other microfibre fabric.

Don't wash them with bleach or fabric softener. 

Use cold or warm water; hot water can damage the fibres.

Dust regularly to prevent biofilm from forming. 

Look at the bright side! Scrubbing burns calories, helps you protect your health and makes your living spaces look great.