We’ve all heard about the dangers of blue light for our vision and for our sleep. But did you know it can impact the health of our skin, too?
What is blue light?
The side effects of blue light on the skin
A 2018 French study found that blue light actually alters the structure of epidermal cells and decreases the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin hydration, firmness and elasticity. Blue light speeds up the process of aging through oxidation, and recent studies show that it can even create age spots.
One way to protect your skin from the effects of blue light is to use a natural, mineral sunscreen that contains antioxidants. To learn more, read this article on mineral and chemical sunscreen.
The impact of blue light on our overall health
Our exposure to blue light is increasing by the day thanks to smartphones, laptops, TV screens, billboards and even certain light bulbs.
- La fatigue
- Visual damage
- Inflammation
- Headaches
- Disrupted sleep
- Less melatonin production
- Premature aging of the skin
Solutions to protect the skin from blue light exposure and pollution
Environmental pollution is just as damaging to the skin as blue light, which is why it’s so important to protect yourself by using a quality, natural, mineral sunscreen with antioxidants. You should also include plenty of antioxidant-rich foods in your diet to protect and boost your overall health.
Discover the Sunbrella™ sun care products .They are ethical, natural and made in a certified lab in Quebec.

La gamme Sunbrella™ comprend trois produits:
- An ethical, translucent and water-repellant mineral sun powder for the face , available in 3 tints
- An ethical, translucent and water-repellant mineral sunscreen for the face , available in 2 tints
- An ethical, translucent and water-repellant mineral body sunscreen .
Whatever the season, and whether you’re spending time outside or indoors, Davincia® sun care products are there to protect you from the harmful effects of blue light, pollution and the sun—with zero compromise on your overall health and wellbeing.